The maple, which is pretty nearly of the same[1] size as the lime, is inferior to the citrus[2] only for the beauty of its wood when employed for cabinet work, and the exquisite finish it admits of. There are numerous varieties[3] of this tree; the light maple, remarkable for the extreme whiteness of its wood, is known as the "Gallic"[4] maple in Italy beyond the Padus, being a native of the countries beyond the Alps. Another kind is covered with wavy spots running in all directions. In consequence of its superior beauty it has received its name,[5] from its strong resemblance to the marks which are seen in the tail of the peacock; the finest kinds are those which grow in Istria and Rhætia. An inferior sort of maple is known as "crassivenium."[6]

The Greeks distinguish the varieties according to their respective localities. The maple of the plains,[7] they say, is white, and not wavy; they give it the name of "glinon." On the other hand, the mountain maple,[8] they say, is of a more variegated appearance, and harder, the wood of the male tree being more particularly so, and the best adapted for spe- cimens of elegant workmanship. A third kind, again, according to the Greeks, is the zygia,[9] with a red wood, which is easily split, and a pale, rough bark. Other authors, however, prefer to make of this last a peculiar species, and give it in Latin the name of "carpinus."

1. The maple is much less in size than what the lime or linden really is.

2. See B. xiii. c. 29.

3. Fée says there are but five varieties of the maple known in France. He doubts whether the common maple, the Acer campestre of Linnæus, was known to the ancients.

4. Fée identifies it with the Acer pseudo-platanus of Linnæus, the Acer montanum candidum of C. Bauhin. This tree is not uncommon in Italy.

5. "Acer pavonaceum:" "peacock maple." He gives a similar account of the spots on the wood of the citrus, B. xiii. c. 19.

6. Or "thick-veined" maple.

7. Supposed by Fée to be the Acer Monspessulanus of Linnæus, also the Acer trilobum of Linnæus.

8. A variety of the Acer pseudo-platanus of Linnæus, according to Fée.

9. The Carpinus betulus of Linnæus; the horn-beam or yoke-elm.